10 Tips To Improve Freestyle Swimming

10 Tips To Improve Freestyle Swimming

Freestyle swimming is one of the most commonly used and most used strokes, and a good technique can make you swim easier. If you want to improve your freestyle swimming technique, you must know these 10 tips.

1. Pay Attention To Your Head Position

Freestyle swimming head position is very important. The higher the head position, the more the body and legs sink, resulting in increased head-on resistance; the lower the head position, you can raise your hip joints, and the entire body is parallel to the water surface, thereby reducing the head-on area and reducing The small resistance makes you more labor-saving and swims faster, which is why the bottom of the boat is small on the head and at the end.

pay Attention To Your Head Position freestyle swimming - upopbyshop learn

2. Attention Your Shoulder Posture

In freestyle swimming, the posture of the shoulders plays a vital role in maintaining a streamlined body shape. Slightly upward shoulders can make the chest and abdomen flat, forming a smooth streamlined surface, allowing water to pass smoothly. The slightly shrugged shoulders can also increase the range of movement of the muscles around the shoulder joint, so that the contractile muscles of the arm are in a more favorable mechanical position, making the stroke more powerful.

Attention Your Shoulder Posture -freestyle swimming - upopby learn

3. Don't Raise Your Head To Breathe

Don't lift your head too high or raise your head when you inhale. This is a common mistake, and it can cause your hips and legs to sink. The correct posture should be when you inhale, half of the head area should be in the water, one eye should be on the water surface, one under the water surface, and the mouth should be exposed to the air just above the water level. This way you won't inhale water when you inhale, and it will also keep you in the best posture freestyle swimming. It takes time and practice.

Don't Raise Your Head To Breathe - freestyle swimming - upopby learn

4. Pay Attention To The Frequency & Rhythm Of Exhalation

The way you exhale and inhale is important. Freestyle swimming generally uses the method of inhaling on the water surface and exhaling in the water, because continuous exhalation under the water will feel more relaxed than holding your breath in the water. Of course, you can also use left and right breathing methods.

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5. Swimming Sideways

The role of swimming sideways has an effect. The first is to provide extra strength for your arm, and the second is to reduce the extra resistance for you. The third is to exercise your back muscles. This will make you swim faster and easier.

Swimming Sideways -upopby learn

6.Pay Attention To Elbow Posture

When swimming, try to raise your elbows as high as possible, and then forearms to be perpendicular to the water surface, so that your forearms have enough time for position calibration and short sprints, so that when your forearms enter the water, there is a good The inertia, stroke backwards more effortlessly, so that your body has a better motivation to push forward.

Pay Attention To Elbow Posture freestyle swimming - upopby learn

7. Don't Stretch Your Arms Too Far

When you move your arms forward, don't stretch your arms all the way above the water or raise your arm height, but immediately sink into the water. Because you raise your arm height too much or extend it too far, it will produce more turbulent waves in the water and generate additional resistance. It is best to sink in the water between the top of the head and the fully extended arm.

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8. Pay Attention To The Palms

When stretching your arms forward under water, make sure that your palms are flat and parallel to the surface of the water, with your palms facing down, and the whole body is open and relaxed. This will give your palm a wider contact area and a stronger driving force, similar to the effect of fins.

Pay Attention To The Palms - upopby learn

9. Leg Techniques

In freestyle swimming, your legs are also a very important part. The frequency of your legs, the amplitude of the swing, and the timing are all very important.

If you are swimming for a short distance and want to increase your speed, the frequency of leg swings should be higher than the frequency of your arms. If your arm swings at a frequency of once every second and complete once every two seconds, then your legs should be at Swing six times in two seconds, that is, the speed of the leg is twice as fast as the frequency of the arm swing, so that you can swim faster, but it will also make you more tired, because the thigh muscles consume a lot of oxygen. So short-distance swimming competitions can use this method.

If you are swimming for a long distance, the most suitable leg swing frequency is 2 times, which is synchronized with the rhythm and frequency of your arm stroke. You can relax and consume less oxygen, which can support you to swim, far and longer more.

leg techniques freestyle swimming - upopby learn

10. Use A Nose Clip

When learning freestyle swimming, using a nose clip is a good choice. It can prevent water from entering the nose and make it easier for you to master the breathing rhythm. When you can master the breathing rhythm and frequency, you can no longer use the nose clip.

Nose clip - upopby learn

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